So, all six of you who read this thing may have noticed we’ve had a bit of a hiatus from blogging. This isn’t out of malice to you, but rather, we’ve been nightmarishly busy. Here’s our life in bullet points, to be elaborated upon further:

1. We moved out of Agamy and into a nice villa in Stanley, Alexandria. Hurrah for natural lighting and microwaves!

2. We started working at one school, and decided to quit at the end of our first week. The particulars of this are hilarious, and will be updated in full after we’ve extricated ourselves from this institution. Inshallah, no later than Thursday.

3. We also started working at AMIDEAST. It’s great, our roommate is a delightful character, and our other coworkers are an interesting lot. Our students are also great, and it seems like we’ll have a great time there.

4. We’re starting a “Wall of Fame” of all the ways you can unintentionally garble the English language in a humorous fashion. Some of it may be too… graphic to post here, but I really hope that’s not what one of Set’s students wants to do to a baby.

5. As an early Christmas present, we ate avocadoes for the first time in three months! Now, to find a place that sells burritos.

6. Egyptian taxi drivers are running a better scheme than Bernie Madoff ever could dream of.

That’s all for now. Back soon with a lengthy update and the ribald commentary you’ve all come to expect!

Pictures from Hurghada

9 December, 2009

This is purely a picture post as it has taken me over an hour trying to figure out how to upload a gallery. Enjoy 🙂

All of these pictures were taken by me. woo. Kenny has some awesome pictures he’s taken on his fancy Canon (mine is a Lumix DMC-FZ7 if you were wondering) which he’ll probably be uploading soon enough.

Love, scarves and kofte kebabs,



7 December, 2009

Just a quick update: Set and I accepted offers from AMIDEAST and the Quds Language School today. We’ll be staying in Alexandria until September 2010. Obviously, we are very excited: AMIDEAST is one of the best professional training.centers in all of the Middle East, and QLS is offering us a lot of autonomy in how we teach and plan our curriculum.

More information to come as we get it. Either way, after months of being out of school, we’re finally going to be working! It just took us going halfway across the world to get there!