
30 September, 2009

The sound of competing muezzin calling out the adhlan resonates off the walls of the city. It is a haunting, yet strangely beautiful sound…

5 Responses to “Duelling…Mullahs?”

  1. laura nisber said

    Is that a haiku?!? Are you studying poetry as well?

    I am getting a really good feel for what you’re experiencing, andii am so glad you are sharing all of this.

  2. laura nisber said

    Excuse the typo…should read ” I am so glad”

  3. laura nisbet said

    Who is Laura Nisber?? ha! Must have more coffee!

  4. Sally Coursen said

    Hi Kenny:

    Mom sent me your blog and I was really amazed at the life you and Set are engaged in at this time. How interesting. Keep up the blogging as it is great to follow your adventures so far away.
    All the best to you both,

  5. lila said

    yeah what are duelling…. ?

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